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Infant Care

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It is true that one baby might be easier than another. However, an easy baby could be difficult to handle if his or her provider can't read him or her correctly. On the other hand, a needy baby can be easily cared for if his or her provider can accurately read the issue and respond accordingly. In reality, all babies are totally dependent on their care givers' ability to read and understand them. So that's why the ability to read and understand each baby is a key ingredient in our program.

The issues that trouble a baby can be naturally classified into 3 levels. The first level of issues are the ones directly related to the establishment of a daily routines for a baby. For example, napping preferences, feeding preferences, diaper issues, common sicknesses, rhythms(between feedings or naps) and others. When a provider thoroughly figures out a baby with its first level of issues, he or she will be able to easily establish a good routine for the baby and plan the day for the baby to avoid unnecessary fussiness. The second level of issues are the changes of a baby's preference or needs such as napping changes, growth spurts, or simply wanting to play more. Although this level of issues are harder to detect, a quality provider should be able to figure them out and adjust the baby's routine accordingly. Otherwise, they would suffer until someone would figure it out. The third level is about stage issues and developmental opportunities. The issues demand the highest quality of attention to sort them out. For example, an unskillful provider could mistake teething with behavior issues such as separation anxiety among older babies. This mistake could cause a child to suffer for weeks. Also, an unskillful provider could miss signs of developmental opportunities such as signs of communication awareness for older babies' language development.

In our program, we honor each child's uniqueness and we also face the complexity of each child. We carefully observe and track each baby's development, preferences, rhythm, what it is sensitive to ... etc. We pay attention to every detail about the baby in the daycare and at home, basically anything that has childcare value. This is how we are able to read and understand babies well and be able to figure out issues. We believe wanting to know a baby completely is a critical element in infant care.

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For New Mom

For infant care, we are all committed into making a place that a parent can trust. We work with parents in every aspect of childcare for their baby by offering a good communication channel between provider and parent, and a smooth transition program from home to daycare, to ensure the consistency between daycare and home. We value parents' trust and support because it requires team effort between us and the parents to provide the highest quality care for the baby.

To ensure the quality of the care, each baby has his or her own room for naing, plenty of 1-to-1 provider's attention, and a safe and social environment with other children. Additionally, we customize a baby's routine based on his or her unique preferences and needs, so that each day is smooth and happy for the baby. Also, we guide and monitor each baby to reach key development milestones.

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To achieve these objectives, we limit the number of young baby enrollment even when we have extra fully licensed and experienced care providers to work with us. Home Childcare Today is not only a safe, happy, stimulating place for your baby, but also a peaceful, rewarding place for everyone.